Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Does Une Boîte Mean in French

In French, the noun  une boà ®te  means a box. It is a very useful word to add to your French vocabulary list, but it also has another informal meaning. Lets briefly explore how you can use  une boà ®te  as well as a few related French words. The Traditional Definition of  Une Boà ®te Traditionally, une boà ®te is a noun used to refer to a box or even a can. Essentially, its a good word to use when describing a container that holds something. Additionally, the noun un boà ®tier meansa case. Boà ®te  is pronounced  bwat, which can be a little tricky for English speakers. Its a good idea to practice making the  bw  sound. It is not one that we use in English, but it is used often in French for most words that include boi. For instance, the same sound is used for the verb  boire, which means to drink. As you might suspect,  une boà ®te  can be found in many expressions that you will find very helpful as you become more fluent in French.   dans la boà ®te -  in the boxprendre quelque chose dans  une boà ®te  -  to take something from a boxchercher  dans  la boà ®te  -  to look in the boxJai achetà © du thon en boà ®te. - I bought some canned tuna. The Informal Definition of  Une Boà ®te Just as in English, modern and informal French likes to borrow words to define something else.  Une boà ®te  is one of those words and its come to mean a nightclub. One can see the association between a box and the boxy, open rooms that nightclubs often fill, so it is rather logical. Sortons en boà ®te ce soir ! - Lets go to a club tonight!Cette boà ®te est  super ! -  This club is great! There are a number of other words that also mean a nightclub. For instance, you might hear someone say  la boà ®te de nuit  or  le nuit-club.  La discothà ¨que  (the disco) and  le cabaret  may also be used for a hotspot people go to for a night out on the town. Words Related to  Une Boà ®te As you study more French, you will notice a number of other words that begin with  boà ®te. Among those are a few that refer to a limp or some physical impairment of the limbs, particularly the legs when walking. Remember that all of these use that  bwat  pronunciation. boiter - to limple boitement - limpingboiteux  - lame, shaky (adjective)

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